The Sacrament of Baptism was given to us by Jesus Christ, our Lord, and Savior. Through baptism, we become children of God, temples of the Holy Spirit, and members of the Kingdom of God. Baptism is the beginning of a new life of grace for your child and the door to all other sacraments.
Since baptism is such an important moment for your child, we believe it is important to prepare both for the ceremony and for the commitments of raising your child as a son or a daughter of our God.
Requirements for having your child baptized:
1) – Your child must be no older than 6 years of age. If a child is older than 6, he or she will need to be prepared to receive the sacrament and attend CCD classes.
2) – At least one parent (or legal guardian) must give consent for the baptism. That parent (or legal guardian) must be a baptized Catholic.
3) – There must be a commitment to raise the child in the Catholic Church, following its guidance and laws, which includes going to Mass every Sunday.
4) – It is necessary to provide a copy of your child’s birth certificate.
5) – You and the godparents must attend a baptismal class unless you have been to one in the past 5 years. Baptism preparation classes are held on the first Wednesday of the month at 7:30 PM if people are signed up for it. Please let us know when you plan on attending this class. Baptism classes in Italian or Portuguese are scheduled by appointment. If you’ve attended a class elsewhere, we need a letter so indicating from the church where you attended class.
Requirements of the godparents:
1) – You may have 1 or 2 godparents. If they are two, they must be 1 female and 1 male. The parents of the child cannot be godparents.
2) – Godparents must be at least 16 years older and have received the Sacraments of Baptism, Holy Communion, and Confirmation. They need to be single, living a chaste life, or married by a Catholic priest. They need to be good practicing Catholics in good standing with the Church.
3) – Godparents need to provide the “Sponsorship Certificate” from the church where they are registered parishioners. You can request the form by phone at 201-944-1154 or email — or download here: SPONSORSHIP CERTIFICATE. The godparent will fill out the form and bring it to their pastor to sign and seal. If the godparent is a registered parishioner at St. Nicholas, please request an appointment with our pastor.
4) – They need to attend the baptism preparation class. If they want to take classes at another Catholic Church, they must provide a letter stating they took the class.
5) – If there is only 1 Catholic Godparent, there may be 1 non-Catholic Christian witness. A non-Catholic is a witness to the baptism. Their names will be on the baptismal certificate, with a notation. Christian witnesses must also be baptized.
Scheduling the Baptism:
Baptisms are scheduled during the 9:30 AM or 12:30 PM Sunday Masses in English, 11:00 AM Sunday Mass in Italian, or 6:00 PM Sunday Mass in Portuguese.
Baby’s Clothes and Candle: Your child must wear white. Whatever clothing is worn should be loose enough at the neck to allow anointing of the child’s breast. You may unbutton the child’s clothes at the back to facilitate it. If a hat is worn, it must be removed for the baptism. The parish will provide a decorated candle. After the ceremony, it will be yours as a reminder of this joyous milestone. Please inform the celebrant if you desire to use your own baptismal candle instead.
Donation: There is a $100 donation for the church for each family. This offering must be given at the Baptism Prep. Class or brought to the office no later than the Friday prior to the baptism date.
Baptismal Record and Certificate: Official baptism certificates will be issued when requested for Catholic School/CCD registration, First Communion, Confirmation, or Marriage. A diploma for the memory of this day can be issued by request, please call the rectory’s office.
If a child is 7 years or older, they are no longer an “infant” (Canon Law 97.2). Please contact the rectory’s office for an appointment to discuss sacramental preparation for your child.